She Calls My Name
Come Here Anytime
"Absolutely Brilliant"
- My Mother
Award Winning Music and Video Producer

"Impressive Crazy"
- Some guy I paid to say this

Trilevel has been working with local Dayton Artist, helping them write and produce music for over 10 years. Many artist have gone on to work with major labels and TV networks. Our goal is to find singer / songwriters and create quality tracks to be released on iTunes/ Google, Spotify and other distribution networks.
Over a decade ago Trilevel started producing commercials for local small businesses and now we produce segments for many local companies, groups, municipalities and events. We also have vast experience in creating educational and medical segments as well as music videos.
If you are a singer / songwriter or band between the ages of 16 to 23 and think you have ” The Right Stuff” + Making Music, working in the music industry is your mission in life. Trilevel may consider working with you on a revenue sharing basis, where we work together to write/record and produce music with no fee and split any revenue from distributing the music on the web. However we also work for a reasonable fee to help you produce your own music and promo videos.